About Us
Our global mission here at BlancheWear permeates every part of the process starting with where we source our goods and continuing through the care and enjoyment of our products by each and every customer.
We want to be transparent in sharing these standards with our loyal customers and staff. The reputation of our brand is based on inclusivity, quality and sustainability which is represented through every person included in the process of our growth. Starting with our transformative journey of innovation, we use online platforms to promote our unique ethical and sustainable choices and we continue to push these standards through our branding.
We strive to uphold these policies by empowering those who create, merchandise, and wear our product. At BlancheWear we strive to maintain and uphold this policy to ensure that BlancheWear is fully aware of broader industry issues and standards and in the forefront of responding ethically to issues as they may occur.
We share a serious commitment to our social responsibility for the well being of the environment and all of those who create, merchandise and wear our products.
BlancheWear aims to be a circular fashion vendor by 2025 while maintaining the vision of newness. Creating the capsule from re-produced textiles uses tangible resources and the vision to fit and feel great. The conclusion of my study indicates a need for longevity achieved by concentrating on the consumer expectations.
Purpose is defined by statistics and if nearly half of the US population is considered petite our perception of fit has been blurred. The long term effects of fashion today compensated the ability to create original work while accelerating demand thus supply. Human needs and desires will always be in the forefront and that’s how we use classic components to shape the future of fashion.